The graceful heron, a master of patience and precision, raises its prize aloft as the tenacious fish makes one final, desperate struggle.

The sun's early rays bore down upon the serene morning, casting a warm glow on the tapestry of life along the river's edge. The avian inhabitants had already completed their breakfast rituals; the malachite Kingfisher, a bejewelled piscatorial acrobat, had executed its plunges to snatch small, unsuspecting fish sheltering close to the riverbanks, and nearby spoonbills and egrets had traversed the floating vegetation, filling themselves to contentment. Meanwhile, a resplendent grey heron had settled itself upon a massive fallen tree, catching the gentle embrace of the rising sun's caress as it indulged in preening its wet feathers from earlier unsuccessful attempts to catch a meal.

Suddenly, the heron's keen eye detected a gentle ripple in the shallows ahead. The disturbance took the form of an unusually large carp for such shallow waters, navigating the river's curve, unaware of the impending danger ahead. Left with no avenue to escape but past the vigilant heron, the carp commenced its gradual U-turn towards more familiar depths.

The heron, displaying all the poise of a seasoned hunter, prepared itself. Without a splash, it descended into the water, ensuring that the element of surprise was on its side. With a final flick of its powerful tail, the carp drifted within the heron's striking range. In an eruption of water and feathers, the heron's spear-like beak plunged beneath the surface, followed by a moment of stillness. Then, as though in concert with the river's current, concentric ripples appeared with the swaying motion of the carp's bulky form and its writhing tail, now visible. Slowly, the triumphant heron raised its catch from the watery depths, its prize firmly impaled by its formidable beak.

What unfolded might be described as a display of dexterity and perseverance. The heron, with calculated precision, grappled with the weighty quarry, while the fish, valiant in its struggle, gradually succumbed to the heron's will, its last convulsions now in play. With a few deft movements, the heron hoisted and carried its meal to the riverbank, where it momentarily assessed my presence before retreating into the lush, verdant foliage nearby.

I watched as the heron, with deliberate grace, devoured its sumptuous prize. In a matter of minutes, the entire carp was consumed, and the heron, satiated and content, returned to its original perch on the sunlit tree. There, it continued back to its morning ritual of preening, almost as if the whole event had never happened.

Feathered Friends Collection

Welcome to our feathered friends, with their flights of fancy, twitchers' delight, and the lightest touch.

Ever-present in our lives, birds fill the skies, settle in tree branches, and thrive on the ground. Their movements fill us with delight and awe; their silence is broken by delightful songs or anxious craws. This collection celebrates these moments in time with our feathered friends.



