A heron heads to shore; its catch, a frog.

We were following the fresh trail of a leopard near the shores of a muddy bank when I spotted the heron. He had paused, dead still, his one leg lifted beneath, his position frozen, and his eyes focused with intense concentration on the space ahead. Only the slight, almost imperceptible quiver of his beak gave his presence away. However, his silhouette remained steadfast, unmoving against the setting embers of the sunset.

We stopped to watch, anticipating his next move, but it was not coming soon. After a few minutes, just below and a little out of range of the heron, a frog suddenly broke the water, its location announced by a loud calling croak. It did not spot anything out of the ordinary, and after a few further moments, it made a leap towards the well-positioned hunter. It was oblivious until its last moment, as the heron had timed this to perfection. In one split second, the heron speared the frog midair, swiftly swinging its catch upwards and away from its watery lair. For what seemed like an eternity, the surrounding African bush seemed to be dead quiet. Only the sound of a snap of the beak followed a few seconds later, and it was done.

As the heron turned to make its way to shore, its reflection caught my eye. The setting sun’s coppery-brown tones cast the subject in a frame that seemed to tell the story of a hunter and its prey touched by a moment of life that was given and taken in an instant.

In the heart of Africa, I've come to realise that the wilderness imparts profound lessons of give and take. It reveals the exquisite beauty of life, juxtaposed with its fragility, captured in fleeting moments such as this. The unfiltered authenticity of the wild often prompts me to contemplate the fundamental concept of maintaining equilibrium - a concept so crucial yet often left unspoken. To coexist harmoniously with the Earth and its diverse ecosystems for the long term, we must grapple with the consequences of our mortal ego. We must acknowledge the relative insignificance of our individual presence on this planet, a presence that increasingly jeopardises the delicate balance of life that is essential for the collective future. Embracing this truth becomes imperative if we are to safeguard a sustainable and thriving planet for all.

Feathered Friends Collection

Welcome to our feathered friends, with their flights of fancy, twitchers' delight, and the lightest touch.

Ever-present in our lives, birds fill the skies, settle in tree branches, and thrive on the ground. Their movements fill us with delight and awe; their silence is broken by delightful songs or anxious craws. This collection celebrates these moments in time with our feathered friends.



