The leopard lay there, almost unseen, until we turned.

Tumbetile means "hidden" in Tsonga.

It was a great sighting. The guide had picked up on the tracks of the young female leopard, and we were getting close. As we manoeuvred through the African Savannah grass, the heat pressing on us, we spotted an acacia tree-lined bank. Reaching it, we saw a dusty brown riverbed starved of rain for months. Its dry sands reflected stories of various animal life that had passed recently. Among these, our tracker picked out the fresh spoors of the young female leopard.

Following the line of sight of her most recent steps in her journey, our guide became cautious. He looked up at the large tree on the opposite side, whose branches reached out, almost above us, from some distance away. There, perched high amidst the branches, we spotted her—the young female leopard, fiercely guarding her kill. She had hauled her prey to a secure vantage point, wedging it skilfully between two sturdy branches. She briefly hissed, a clear warning that our presence was not welcomed, then remained silent. Her intense gaze never waivered; her eyes locked on us. Suddenly, almost imperceptibly, her head lifted slightly, her attention shifting to something behind us amidst the tall grass, her ears perking up, and her snarl growing a touch louder. We followed her stare, and there he lay, a male leopard, seemingly unperturbed by our presence, a master of camouflage, blending seamlessly with his surroundings.

This serendipitous encounter highlighted the subtleties of the African wilderness, reminding me of the unseen wonders that coexist alongside our paths. It struck me how much remains hidden in plain sight, both in the heart of the African bush and in our everyday lives. Nature's camouflage often conceals the remarkable, a testament to the unseen world existing beside us. Such encounters provoke a broader question about the art of observation in our own lives. How much do we truly perceive amidst the bustling motions of our daily existence? The revelation of unnoticed beauty in the wild serves as a gentle nudge, urging us to pause and consider the unseen marvels within and around us. This elusive glimpse into the lives of the leopards offers a profound lesson on the art of observation and the hidden treasures awaiting our keen eyes and open hearts.

Raw Africa Collection

Welcome to Africa - the wise, the restless, and the life giving.

This soulful land of dreamers gives rise to the underbelly of a beautiful, gentle beat that is only heard by those who listen for it. This photographic journey explores, profiles, and captures what I hope is the heart and soul of Africa's true wilderness kingdom. From its deep bush to its dry savannah and desert, Africa remains a place where life is represented by timeless vistas that are distilled into moments to treasure.




Graceful Ascent