A sudden warning cry of a passing plover breaks the misty, quiet silence of a river in the early morning.
A sudden warning cry of a passing plover breaks the misty, quiet silence of a river in the early morning.
The screech was loud. It was immediately followed by the repeated warnings of the plover (or Kivit), warning all of an intrusion into the natural habitat. The calls described as clipped peets or rich, slurred tweets continued for some minutes. Eventually they slowed down as the threat eventually moved on, disappearing downriver. Almost as suddenly, peace returned, with the sounds of more distant shrieks replaced by the soft gurgling of the fresh water flow gently moving past. Like stories in the mist of time, the moment came and went as suddenly as it had come, and all returned to its peaceful state.
I love misty conditions for photography. They just give you some crazy shots if you happen to be in the right place, right time. I also sometimes find that capturing softer monochromatic tones can be so challenging and beautiful to work with, as the layers set a scene that is often mysterious yet captivating in our minds. The art of the moment can be told a thousand ways. That is the beauty of this surrealism for me - one that gives me a lot of satisfaction if the capture or shot sets a clear tone in a framed manner. This is the art of the unpredictable.
Welcome to Terra Firma, a place we've inhabited since life began. A place we do not often see for its sheer magnitude and beauty, a place of enormous history and a billion stories to be told and shared.