The final winged moment of landing sets the scene for a bejewelled kingfisher to enjoy his catch.

It was so fast, it was almost instant. He dive-bombed the light shadow of the small fish below as it briefly surfaced nearby. It was the last moment for the unsuspecting visitor as the flashing colours of the malachite kingfisher penetrated the surface below, snapping it up in its powerful beak. In the blink of an eye, the kingfisher returned to the jutting stick mid-river. His prey twisted for one last time, shaking droplets of his world into the cool air around him.

I had been watching him for some time. His usual perch was this stick, located midway in this part of the river between some willows overhanging the bank opposite. The weather had been good for those few days, albeit cooler. It was autumn, and migrating birds visited this part of the tributary regularly for a brief rest and feed before flying onward to their more summery destinations. Moments before this capture, an elusive Giant Kingfisher had skittishly flown by, observing me before suddenly flipping away through the trees on the opposite shore. The softly flowing water also showed life as it ebbed by. Lurking fish occasionally fed along the grass banks below disturbing clumps of gas collected by water plants, which in turn bubbled to the surface in regular pops.

Sitting there quietly on the grass bank, my lens focused and my mind clear, I watched this little yet brilliantly coloured feathered friend sit quietly tucked amongst the tall reeds. Inevitably, and with a little caution about my presence, he would make his move, silently winging across to his favourite fishing spot on the protruding stick mid-river. It was there that I spent many happy hours watching him learn and hone his art and craft. His ability to spot, dive, and attempt to capture his prey, amazed me, as did his discipline to repeat this feat until successful. It remains one of those pleasant, warm memories forever etched into my sense of well-being when I visit this little sanctuary in the urban stretches of our city.

Feathered Friends Collection

Welcome to our feathered friends, with their flights of fancy, twitchers' delight, and the lightest touch.

Ever-present in our lives, birds fill the skies, settle in tree branches, and thrive on the ground. Their movements fill us with delight and awe; their silence is broken by delightful songs or anxious craws. This collection celebrates these moments in time with our feathered friends.


