Series: 1 of 3

Amidst the serene flow of the river, a moment of grace unfolds. An egret, resplendent in its purity, spins gracefully into the air, resembling nothing less than a ballerina's elegant twirl.

In the blink of an eye, the magnificent bird took flight. Its landing had hardly come to a gentle conclusion when its keen sight locked onto the subtle movements beneath the water's surface nearby – a school of fish darting about. Nature had painted this scene with an ethereal brush, imbuing it with vibrant life and bustling activity. The egret is a methodical hunter, commonly seen stalking its prey in shallow coastal or freshwater environments where it feeds on fish, frogs, crustaceans, and insects, which it finds in shallow water and on land.

Across the river, on the opposite bank, a spoonbill was engaged in its own pursuit. It had waded gracefully through the shallow waters, its distinctive bill sweeping from side to side through the liquid depths and the foliage along the bank. Every tactile movement was a calculated search for prey. It was a different species altogether, yet these two magnificent creatures seemed to share an unspoken understanding, finding value in their shared pursuit. The spoonbill's diligent efforts had stirred that small shoal of fish, causing them to swim in panic, inadvertently leading the egret along in their aquatic dance. But just as swiftly as they had changed course, they reversed their direction and swam back toward the protective embrace of the river's banks. And the white egret, ever watchful, took notice of this subtle shift. Meanwhile, I had been engrossed in observing a nearby kingfisher, its vibrant plumage capturing my attention. Yet, as the tableau of life and activity unfolded before me, it was the white egret that emerged as the star of this natural spectacle. Its flight was a testament to grace; its movements were unhurried yet purposeful. In that very instant, a decision crystallised in my mind: I would capture the fleeting moment of its landing and immediate takeoff.

One thing about wildlife, like this beautiful bird, is their unpredictability. We cannot control or often foresee their next move. However, through careful observation and an understanding of their intentions and likely behaviour, we gain a glimpse into a moment in their lives, like I did that morning.

Feathered Friends Collection

Welcome to our feathered friends, with their flights of fancy, twitchers' delight, and the lightest touch.

Ever-present in our lives, birds fill the skies, settle in tree branches, and thrive on the ground. Their movements fill us with delight and awe; their silence is broken by delightful songs or anxious craws. This collection celebrates these moments in time with our feathered friends.


Hosi Vona

