She stood staring, her fingers playing with her braids in a thoughtful moment, as the sunset touched the city.

It was a late drive homeward. The gentle, infused hues of another tardy summer sunset beckoned me to change my course along a path renowned for its panoramic views of the city. Rounding the corner, the city appeared before me, radiant lights beginning to twinkle and spar with the descending sun. The nearly yellow-orange rays painted the sky with a spectrum of colours as I sat, observing for a brief time. Up ahead, another vehicle came to a halt, and a vivacious young girl leaped out from the back, her laughter filling the air as she sprinted towards the sign overseeing the panorama. She paused, caught by the beauty of the moment, her hands idly toying with her braids. As the city's tones reflected all around her, her silhouette seemed to stake a claim on the space as her thoughts flickered and the city lights emerged.

What aspirations, dreams, and wishes would accompany her in the years to come? What occupied her mind in that moment as the world momentarily halted in its dreamlike state?

Living Cities Collection

Welcome to who we are, what we do, and those who live around and with us.

As social creatures, humans have always lived in tribes, building communities based on shared values and beliefs. Within these tribes, humans have created homes and cities, both as a place of shelter and as a reflection of their identity. Humans also have an innate desire to explore the world beyond their immediate surroundings, and our curiosity extends beyond physical exploration as we seek out new experiences and live life in our own domestic spaces. Whether at home or on the move, we are constantly driven to survive, create, or discover the meaning of living.


Golden Spin


Miss Luna