Adam Piotr Kossowski Photography

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Weaver Dive

In a second, the weaver dives out of his nest and into the reeds below.

I had been watching him for a while. He flipped nearby, seemingly always in search of another bit for his nest. This time he focused and chose fluffy pieces of flower or cotton-like stems, which would provide comfort inside the structure for his potential mate. He had not found one yet but was on the cusp of success as suddenly the call of a female weaver mate lured him swiftly out of his nest building and onto a reed below. He posed there, ascertaining the position she had taken. This was a key moment in extending an invitation. As he looped around, indicating the entrance to his abode, his voice shrillly called her to look. Success! She looked quizically at him, then at the structure. After a minute or two, she took on his offer, disappearing up and into the nest entrance to make her decision.

I wonder at how much effort some species on our planet make regarding the finding of a mate and impressing her. It's so varied, but for the weaver, it's a construct, which is interesting as an approach. Her focus is less on his fluff and more on his abilities to secure the next generation of weavers. Skills here are key and the most important, not looks or noise, as they say. Perhaps she has a point in this case?

Feathered Friends Collection

Welcome to our feathered friends, with their flights of fancy, twitchers' delight, and the lightest touch.

Ever-present in our lives, birds fill the skies, settle in tree branches, and thrive on the ground. Their movements fill us with delight and awe; their silence is broken by delightful songs or anxious craws. This collection celebrates these moments in time with our feathered friends.