Adam Piotr Kossowski Photography

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A soft pinkish-orange hue heralds a new dawn as a fisherman patiently awaits the morning catch.

His silhouette appeared suddenly as the sky started to lighten. Casually, every now and then, he casts his line, pausing before slowly reeling his line back in. Cries of passing seagulls and the gentle laps of waves mixed the setting with peaceful intent as the shifting tones transported from the former darkness of the night to the hues and colors of early morning.

 I just love the balance between nature's elements, the emerging tones of new light, and the isolation of the fisherman in this moment. There are lots of landscapes out there, but I am particularly drawn to shots that reflect scale and moment. Maybe even a touch of loneliness. In this case, the vast, yet rewarding ocean, the quiet lull of soft waves, the silhouette of the fisherman, and the endless, breathtaking views around were just perfect for my composition. When I see this, I want to somehow breathe it all in, as it makes the world a really beautiful place to live in.


Welcome to our wild shores, where the two worlds of turning ocean tides meet and dance with rocky, tumbling coasts and serene sandy shorelines. This is our place to taste the salty air that brings so much oxygen to our joy.

We explore the ever-present energy of the sea as it welcomes those who ride its tumbling waves, push through placid moments, and absorb its vast expanse. The sea, an ocean of the infinite, provides Mother Nature's oceanic forces to live in and find ourselves. We delight in its beauty, fly with its waves, and move through its tidal zones to find our moment of infinity.